No Coast Drift Party 13 – Sept 1-3, 2023

Once a year, every year, the boys out in New Mexico throw one hell of an event named No Coast Drift Party. One way I describe No Coast to people is by calling it the ultimate drift weekend, a party with drifting, a bit of organized chaos at it’s finest… the most fun drift event on the American roster. Although I’ve missed a couple years in a row, I never planned on missing out forever, so I grabbed all my antiquated camera gear and lots of alcohol, and headed on out.

Event creator Dan Brockett and his crew have done a wonderful job keeping the vibe the exact same as it was 10+ years ago. Living in a time where tracks are shutting down because residents 10 miles away whine about noise they can barely hear, it’s so bad ass that the drift community can show up and rage for 3 straight days. In the evenings, the pit parties are wild and there’s been metal bands and a massive bonfire at least since my first No Coast in 2012, although there are literally hundreds more attendees now than way back then. It’s crazy how No Coast has grown.

No Coast is whatever you wanna make of it. Hit the skid pad, rip some tandems with your buds, hot lap 20 laps on shitty tires that don’t die, sit in your pit and drink beer, set fireworks off and ride pit bikes around all day…. whatever. There’s really no method to anything during the entire weekend except for some fun competition stuff for a short while on Saturday night, and then it’s right back to drifting and partying.

For me, No Coast is a time where I connect with friends old and new, friends I’ve met through grassroots events all the way up to FD and more. In 17 years of covering drifting, this is my #1 favorite event. I wanna extend a big thank you to Dan Brockett and his crew, and Jim Guthrie and any business partners involved in acquiring the track and keeping this event running.

I’ve never driven a No Coast event, but just hanging out, partying, drinking, and roaming around talking trash and laughing all day is good enough for me. I do that every year I attend, and shoot a lot of photos, which is what you get below because I suck at writing about events that exist just for fun. See you all next year at No Coast Drift Party 14.

Enjoy the photo gallery. Please tag and mention me on Instagram @davidkarey @amdrift


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