Event Quickie – 2017 Top Drift Round 1 – March 26, 2017

It’s been a while since the beginning of the 2017 Top Drift Pro Am season, but we’ve finally had time to catch up on all the photo goodness. Congrats to Sean Adriano for working his way to a first place finish, young man Dominic Martinez for coming in second place, and Kyle Cameron hanging on to a third place finish.

Top Drift Limited Round 3 Gallery – July 30, 2016

Last weekend we joined Just Drift for the 3rd and final round of Top Drift Limited, a series dedicated to lightly modified production-like vehicles and geared toward the up and coming drivers who may want to compete in pro-am in coming years. We wanted to go out to Willow Springs and support our home drift organization, and ended up having a great time hanging out and watching some grassroots style drifting.

Top Drift Round 2 – May 29, 2016

This past weekend’s Top Drift event at Willow Springs Raceway, the second round of the Formula Drift licensing series, was pretty unique in terms of things that rarely happen, happening. Driver and spectator turnout was great, but there was tons of downtime due to a record number of oil spills, the most we’ve ever seen at a track event, and other things such as mechanical breakdowns calling for track rescue. Top Drift Round 2 was not a disappointing event though, as the driving got better throughout the course of the day, and the battles in the finals kept going and going, keeping fans, friends, and family of the drivers on edge until the end.

Top Drift Limited Round 1 – April 24, 2016

The 3 weeks before the opening of the 2016 Top Drift Limited season was extremely busy. With Golden Gate Drift, Formula Drift, and the Grand Prix of Long Beach holding their events back to back, one weekend after another, my butt was kicked and all I wanted to do is hang with friends and shoot for fun. Last weekend, Just Drift kicked off the 2016 Top Drift Limited season with Round 1 at Willow Springs Raceway. The event was exactly what I needed to unwind and enjoy the purest form of drifting that a competition event could provide.