No Coast Drift Party 13 – Sept 1-3, 2023

Once a year, every year, the boys out in New Mexico throw one hell of an event named No Coast Drift Party. No Coast is whatever you wanna make of it. Hit the skid pad, rip some tandems with your buds, hot lap 20 laps on shitty tires that don’t die, sit in your pit and drink beer all day and party your ass off at night… anything goes

No Coast Drift Party and Southwest Drift Series Round 5 are coming!

CALLING ALL FD PRO, FD PRO 2, PRO AM, AND FUN DRIVERS AROUND NORTH AMERICA! Officer Dan Brockett and Vegas Drift are throwing what is going to be the baddest and most fun drift event of the entire year in Albuquerque, New Mexico on September 5-6, 2015. We’ve been going out to No Coast Drift Party for the past 3 years with various friends, and we have not had a better time anywhere else. The people and partying are the wildest, the track is sweet to drive and shoot, and we think you should be there this year! Vegas Drift’s Southwest Drift Series is also holding the final round of their Formula Drift Pro Am licensing series at this event. Come out and compete, and see who is going to earn their 2016 FD license!!!

No Coast Drift Party – August 31 – Sept 1, 2013

No Coast Drift Party no [noh] coast [kohst] drift [drift] par·ty [pahr-tee] 1. A drift party in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2. A drift party where nobody gives a f###. 3. The craziest drift party in the desert. We headed out to Albuquerque, New Mexico for the 2013 No Coast Drift Party, which is organized by … Read moreNo Coast Drift Party – August 31 – Sept 1, 2013

No Coast Drift Party, ABQ, NM – September 15-16 2012

One good thing about waiting so long to post about an event, is that someone would eventually get a video up before the article was complete. In this case, we weren’t disappointed. Jesse Wood of Albuquerque, NM, dropped this dope video from No Coast Drift Party, which took place on September 15-16 2012 at Sandia … Read moreNo Coast Drift Party, ABQ, NM – September 15-16 2012